PiYo is available to my customers!

PiYo Workout available NOW plus a Challenge Pack promotion for a limited time only!


Get the highly anticipated new program from Celebrity Trainer Chalene Johnson! It’s only $140 (normally $160)!


Don’t have an account?  Sign up   https://www.teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=340323

Winner has been chosen 6/19/2014 WHO wants to win a FREE copy of PiYo?

free piyo

WHO wants to win a FREE copy of PIYO?

You’ve seen post after post about it and it releases on Monday, June 23rd!  I am SO excited about it that I decided to do a giveaway!

 1. Leave a Comment Below as to WHY you are excited about PiYo
2. Share this post either on Facebook or Twitter
3. Register to WIN… BY filling out short entry form HERE http://www.jotform.us/coachmoholland/freePiYo





Congratulations to Missy!!


Congrats - winner


30 Day Challenge – Grand Finale!

This post completes the 30 day challenge!


Day 17 – 35 Push-ups & 100 Mountain Climbers

Push-ups Mountain Climbers



Day 18 – 100 Tricep Dips & 50 Squat Jumps




Day 19 – 200 High Knees & 100 Supermans


High Knees  Supermans


Day 20 – 75 Burpees & 4x 60 second Plank Holds


Burpees Planks


Day 21 – 200 Bicycle Crunches & 200 Punches




Day 22 – 35 Burpees & 200 Standing Side Crunches

Burpees Side Crunches



Day 23 – 50 Lunges & 100 Skater Lunges

Lunges-Skater Slides



Day 24 – 50 Wood Chops & 200 Mountain Climbers

Wood Chop Mountain Climbers





Day 25 – 100 Supermans & 200 Plank Jacks

Supermans Plank Jacks




Day 26 – 200 Bicycle Crunches & 200 Butt Kicks

Bicycle Crunches Kick Butts





Day 27 – 100 Russian Twists & 4x 60 second Plank Holds

Russian Twists - Planks





Day 28 – 25 Push-ups & 200 Seal Jacks

Pushups Seal Jacks






Day 29 – 50 Lunges & 100 Froggies

Lunges - Frog Crunches



Day 30 – 200 Squat Jumps & 100 V-Ups

Squat Jumps V Ups



Congratulations on completing this 30 Day Challenge!  How did it go?  How do you feel?


Let me know if you enjoyed this challenge and if you would like to see more like this in the future!


If you are interested in getting in longer workouts and need a suggestion, please let me know!  You can ask me questions about the program and what you get if you are interested, but need to know more before making the plunge!

PiYo is being released at the end of June and I will be opening a PiYo Challenge Group in July.  Follow this link and add your email for up to the minute details on this launch. www.PiYoTBB.com?referringRepId=340323













Don’t Wish for It, Work for It!



30 Day Challenge – Part Four

This post begins the second half of the 30 day challenge!


Day 16 – 50 Lunges & 50 Donkey Kicks


Lunges & Donkey Kicks


Day 17 – 35 Push-ups & 100 Mountain Climbers

Push-ups & Mountain Climbers



Day 18 – 100 Triceps Dips & 50 Jump Squats

Triceps Dips & Jump Squats



Day 19 – 200 High Knees & 100 Supermans

High Knees & Supermans



Day 20 – 75 Burpees & 4x 60 Second Plank Holds

Burpees & Holds





Are you enjoying this challenge?

If you are interested in getting in longer workouts and need a suggestion, please let me know!  You can ask me questions about the program and what you get if you are interested, but need to know more before making the plunge!

PiYo is being released at the end of June and I will be opening a PiYo Challenge Group in July.  Follow this link and add your email for up to the minute details on this launch. www.PiYoTBB.com?referringRepId=340323


Here are some sneaks of the program:


This Upper Body focused workout (35 mins) will strengthen and stretch your entire body, while building on the movement patterns you have learned in Align.

PiYo Upper

Define: Lower Body (25 mins) will shape and tone everything from your glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves gently, yet effectively to help you get sleek and lean legs.

PiYo Lower

Sweat (35 mins) is a traditional PiYo Workout that is fast paced with body weight strength training and ab work!

PIYO Sweat





Don’t Wish for It, Work for It!



30 Day Challenge – Part Two

Hopefully you enjoyed the first 5 days of the 30 day challenge!  This post contains the next 5 days for you!


Day 6 – 50 Supermans and 50 Squats

Supermans & Squats


Day 7 – 3x 60 second plank hold and 200 Jumping Jacks

Planks & Jacks


Day 8 – 50 Donkey Kicks and 100 Bicycle Crunches

donkey kicks_WEB


Day 9 – 25 Squats and 100 Skater Slides



Day 10 – 50 Squat Jumps and 200 Crunches



Again, let me know how you are doing!  Need help or extra motivation?  Join me on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/coachShannonMoholland.



30 Day Challenge


I’ve been running a 30 day challenge on my Facebook page, but decided to share it here as well!  It is a simple, short workout routine that can be fit into any part of your day.  It shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to complete and if you haven’t been working out, then it is a great place to start.  I highly encourage you to start on a healthy eating plan to reign in your eating habits and start with this simple, yet effect workout plan.  I’ll start with the first 5 days in this post and then add 5 more days each week.


Day 1 – 50 Crunches and 2x 60 second plank hold:



Day 2 – 100 Bicycle crunches and 2x 30 second plank hold:

Bicycle crunch & Plank Hold


Day 3 – 50 Burpees and 50 Kick Down Crunches:

How to do a kick down crunch:
1. Lay on your back on a mat with your hands on your side. (Alternate version: You can do this on the bench holding the top of the bench with your hands)
2. Lift legs 90 degrees from your body while keeping your legs straight.
3. Then using your core lift your hips off the ground, rolling your spine up.
4. Hold this position briefly.
5. Lower hips back to the ground.
6. Lower your legs back to the starting position.
7. Repeat.)

Burpee & Kick Down Crunch


Day 4 – 200 Crunches and 100 Skater Slides:

Crunches & Skater Slides


Day 5 – 100 High Knees and 75 Russian Twists:

High Knees & Russian Twists


Hopefully this will get you up and moving!  I’d love to hear how you are doing, so comment or join me over on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/coachShannonMoholland.

If you are in need of some healthy recipes, check out my Pinterest Boards:


There are also so great Beachbody programs on sale during the month of May if you are in need of more in depth workouts and complete nutrition plan:

May Challenge Packs

Feel free to ask me any questions about either of these programs!  I’ve done TurboFire and P90x3 and love them both!  If you are ready to dive in and order, you can do so here: http://www.beachbodycoach.com/shannonmoholland.

Each workout comes with a 30 day supply of Shakeology, which I love!  It is my daily treat and reduces cravings!  The programs also come with an easy to follow meal plan that will give you results.  The added benefit?  You get me as a FREE coach to help you along your fitness journey!


Don’t Wish for It, Work for It!








No Foolin’ Here

It actually feels like spring where I am today!  Hoping that it stays that way!  I wanted to share the April Specials with you, because my FAVORITE program is on sale for the month of April!  And I want to extend the invite to join my No Foolin’ Here Challenge Group that started today.  This Challenge Group is focused on nutrition and workouts with group support and accountability to help folks reach their health goals for Summer 2014.  We all have different goals.  My goals include being healthy, getting back some muscle definition and sporting my bathing suit with confidence!

I previously posted a special incentive for the first male and female that purchased the T25 Challenge Pack and I’m extending that offer to ANYONE who orders a T25 Challenge Pack from me in the month of April.  Who doesn’t like a little bit of workout swag?  There are tanks and tees in the Beachbody shop!



I’ve stated in another post, that T25 is my favorite workout program.  It has the intensity of Insanity but in only 25 minutes!  I would love to help you reach your goals in 25 minutes a day!  If you have any questions about the program, please comment or email me at coachmoholland@gmail.com.  If you’ve all ready heard enough about T25, follow this link to order!  Once you show up in my customer list, I will send you an email asking for your size and color preference for your T25 Swag!  http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCPT25205?referringRepId=340323

April Specials also include the Brazil Butt Lift.  I will admit to you upfront, I do not have this in my collection.  But here is what I can tell you:

Brazil Butt Lift works your booty from all angles, focusing on the hips, slimming the thighs and giving that booty a lift!  Most people think that the butt is just one muscle. But it’s not. It’s three muscles—the gluteus medius, maximus, and minimus. Who doesn’t want a great booty?!  The booty makeover guide will introduce you to the program and lays out the schedule for the 5 booty-blasting workouts.

If you have questions about the Brazil Butt Lift program, please ask and I will give you as much information as I can!  If you are ready to jump in, follow this link to order: http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCPBBL160?referringRepId=340323



Why do I show you the specials on Beachbody?  Because I believe in the products.  It took me a long time to order Shakeology.  It’s an INVESTMENT not just a purchase.  What makes these challenge packs so awesome, besides being on sale, you get to save money.  Let me break it down for you…the T25 Challenge Pack normally sells for $205 which gets you the Alpha and Beta workouts and Shakeology for that price.  Shakeology alone is $130.  That special savings comes in when your favorite program is finally on special!  T25 is now $180 and I’ve all ready shown you how much of that is Shakeology 😉  Now you might wonder, ‘why should I spend that much on a shake?  I can go to GNC and get a protein shake for less than that price’.  Shakeology is going to be your healthiest meal of the day.  It is going to give you vital nutrients AND is a protein shake.  I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in my normal diet, but I attribute making through the cold and flu season unscathed to my daily Shakeology consumption.  This winter, at least half of my office had nasty germs of some kind, nothing brought me down.  I may have felt run down here and there, but my body was using it’s next level of health to ward off the germs.  Then the nastiness hit my own home, my husband was out for a week and still nothing hit me.  Now let me ask you something, how much do you spend on fast food or coffee everyday?  If you grab a specialty coffee at Starbucks every day, you’re spending about what the daily cost of Shakeology is per day.  I have a shake at least 6 days a week.  There is always that day I miss a shake because of something and I honestly miss it.  I have had less cravings for sweets since I’ve been using Shakeology regularly.  And I have a HUGE sweet tooth.  I know that when I get home in the afternoon, I’m going to have a chocolate “milkshake” and it satisfies that need for chocolate.

shakeology-alternative-starbucks1Shake vs bigmac1


I would love you help you reach your health and fitness goals.  Not ready to commit to anything?  Not a problem.  Come learn more about me on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/coachShannonMoholland.  Once you get comfortable with me and what I’m about, then we can work on your goals!


Remember, Don’t Wish For It, Work For It!



Challenge Pack BONUSES!

I cannot express how much I love T25!  I really enjoyed Insanity but sometimes I just couldn’t talk myself into those 40 minute workouts at the end of a work day when I had a million other things that had to be done that evening (sound familiar?).   So when I heard about T25, I was curious…the premise, 25 minutes a day.  In, out, done.  I’m going to be honest with you though, I’ve never completed the full schedule.  I got through 3 weeks of sporadic Alpha Cycle workouts and was just starting the Beta when I joined my coach’s Challenge Group for the 21 Day Fix.  I was conflicted, because the first Beta Cycle workout I tried was Beta Speed 2.0 and LOVED it.  The music is just right to get you pumped up for the workout and elevates my mood and motivation instantly.  I could do Beta Speed 2.0 everyday!  Although, doing the same thing everyday doesn’t do a body good, so I do change it up!  After I finished my first round of 21 Day Fix, I decided to combine the two schedules because I love both programs.

I will be starting up a Challenge Group next week that will run at least 6 weeks and possibly until Memorial Day to help folks reach their health/fitness/nutrition goals for Summer 2014.  This Challenge Group is non-program specific and there are only 2 requirements to join: 1) register through http://www.jotform.us/coachmoholland/challenge_group_registration  and 2) must purchase a challenge pack of your choosing (I’ll help you pick the appropriate program for your goal!)  I will provide daily motivation to Challenge Group members and assist with your meal planning.

For added incentive, I’m offering a special for the T25 Challenge Pack.  The first male and the first female who order the T25 CHALLENGE PACK through me will get his/her choice of T25 top FREE!  Must order here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCPT25205?referringRepId=340323

Once your order has been confirmed, I will reach out to you by email to find out what size to order for you.

T25 Challenge Pack Bonus



What if I’m not interested in T25?

How about P90X3?

I just confirmed a special on the P90X3 Challenge pack if you order now through April 9th, 2014, you’ll receive a free P90X3 hat with your purchase.  http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCPX3205?referringRepId=340323


What is P90X3?  P90X3 is a 90-day extreme fitness program created by Tony Horton designed to get a customer ripped in just 30 minutes a day. It combines a highly structured, plateau-busting schedule with an unprecedented variety of moves that keep every muscle challenged.

I heard P90X was hard, is P90X3 right for me? Every P90X3 workout includes modifications to accommodate all fitness levels, beginning to advanced.   I don’t know about you, but I can talk myself into doing any workout for 30 minutes.  While I haven’t tried P90X3 yet myself, it is on my list and it is super appealing because it is only 30 minutes instead for 45-60 minutes.

Do you need a quick and easy way to track your workouts?  Tracking for your P90X3 workouts is NOW available on the P90X App. Download the update now in the iTunes store or the Android app store.

For Android: http://bit.ly/P90XAppAndroid
For iPhone: http://bit.ly/P90XAppiPhone




I’d love to help you reach your health/fitness goals!  There are other specials on Challenge Pack prices for Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat.  If you’d like to know more about those programs, or any other, just comment or shoot me an email (coachmoholland@gmail.com).

Don’t Wish For It, Work For It!


PiYo Sneak Peek

Carve an intensely defined physique-without jumps, without weights, and without joint strain. Using body weight, PiYos uses low-impact, high-intensity movements inspired by Pilates and yoga.

This workout is a mix between yoga, Pilates, and cardio.  It focuses on balance and coordination with killer music!   I can’t wait for this format to come out!  I struggle to get yoga and Pilates into my normal routine but am excited that Chalene Johnson has released this program.  I love her workouts and her energy.   It’s going to be a transformational program that’s EASY on your JOINTS, but delivers hard body results!

Click this link: http://www.piyotbb.com/?referringRepID=340323 and sign-up to be amongst the first to find out when PiYo is available! YOU COULD WIN A FREE PIYO KIT.

PiYo Sizzle

Round 1 of 21 Day Fix – My Initial Results

I have one round of the 21 Day Fix program under my belt and I feel that I had great results.  It certainly gave me the boost I needed to stay on track better than I had been previously.  I have always eaten healthy but have just found myself over-indulging on the weekends and that started trickling into the week days.

Here are my measurements (in inches) before I started the 21 Day Fix program:

Chest: 32,  Right Arm: 11.5 , Left Arm: 11.25, Waist: 30.5, Hips Before: 34.75, Right Thigh Before: 22.25, Left Thigh Before: 22

During round one, I missed three of the active rest days.  I went into the 21 days trying to commit to the weekend workouts, weekend workouts are difficult for me – can any of you relate?  I did a few doubles with T25 workouts, but not too many.

Here are my after measurements:

No change in my chest measurement, Right Arm: 11 Left Arm: 10.75, Waist: 26.5, Hips: 34, Right Thigh: 21.25, Left Thigh: 21.25

An overall total of 7.25 inches lost when you add it all up.  May not be HUGE losses, but I wasn’t spot on the full 21 days.  I did see results, I did make better choices, and I did get more workouts in.  My February calendar looked better than it has ever looked before, see the difference between January and February?  I also stuck with it into March.  My first round of 21 Day Fix ended on March 9th.

January 2014 TBB.com Calendar

February 2014 TBB.com Calendar





March 2014 TBB.com draft









(And in case you are wondering, all the blue dates in March are my scheduled workouts.)

As much as I hate to post these pictures, as I’m still not comfortable where I am currently at, seeing it in a photo makes it easier to understand why my clothes don’t fit the way I want them to.  It also holds me more accountable to all of you reading this post.




AFTER                                    BEFORE

No major change right, but there is a change!  That’s what matters.  Could it have been better?  Yes!  But am I discouraged?  No!  Why?  Because I’m responsible for my actions and my results are a reflection of those actions!  The equation needs to stay balanced to achieve your goals.  What is the equation?  Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success

I know that I need to work harder on the nutrition side of the equation.  I had plenty of workouts and plenty of support from my challenge groups, but I didn’t eat “perfect”.

I’m spending the next 21 Days and focusing in on my nutrition and ensuring at least 5 days of cardio and strength training workouts to help me reach the next “hash mark on my belt”.

How are you going to achieve your goals?

I’d love to help you achieve your goals.  I will have another FREE 5 Day Fast Fix Challenge group starting on March 24th.  This challenge group focuses on eating healthy and working out at least 30 minutes each day.  I provide you will a meal plan and shopping list to help you achieve your maximum results in those 5 days.  This is intended to jump start you.  What do you need for this challenge group?  Determination to start your journey to achieving your health and fitness goals, me as your facebook friend (all challenge groups are held on facebook), your choice of workouts (at home program, running, biking, weight training, etc. whatever you want to do…you just have to commit to 30 minutes of challenging activity each day.  What is optional but HIGHLY recommended?  Me as your coach for FREE with a team beachbody account (don’t worry, it’s FREE, you can sign up here: https://www.teambeachbody.com/tbbsignup/-/tbbsignup/free/340323) and Shakeology to have during the 5 days.  You can order the Shakeology Taste Sampler which is the perfect way to try Shakeology’s most popular flavors. Each sample pack contains 4 single-serve packets of Shakeology (1 Chocolate, 1 Strawberry, 1 Vanilla, and 1 Greenberry), a copy of the Shakeology Welcome Guide, as well as 6 mouthwatering recipes.  You can get that here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/ShkTasteSampler?referringRepId=340323.  If you have questions or are interested in the Challenge Group, please comment or feel free to drop me an email at coachmoholland@gmail.com.

Remember, don’t wish for it, WORK for it!
